I recently stumbled upon Indeed’s top job trends site. The site features an itemized list of the fastest growing keywords found within job postings across millions of jobs from thousands of job sites. It provides a particularly good insight into some of higher growth areas of the technology job market.
The results may surprise you. From a relative volume point of view, jQuery (an Open Source JavaScript Library) is the clear winner with a growth of more than 800,000%, #2 is PaaS (also known as Platform as a Service) with a 500,000% rise and Hadoop (an Open Source Big Data platform) at more than 400,000% increase.
From an absolute percentage point of view, unsurprisingly Social Media is the clear winner with more than 1.5% of all job postings containing the term. More surprising is the second spot going again to jQuery with close to 1% of all searches.
I also compared a few of the buzzwords du jour, “Big Data” and “Cloud Computing” The winner is Big Data.
For my last comparison I looked at job postings involving Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, Google. Interestingly, Twitter is the clear winner.
The site also notes that Information Technology job postings have decreased -7% since June 2011. Yet clicks on Information Technology jobs have increased 11% since June 2011. This may show that the amount of job searches is increasing faster than the volume of job postings.
Another Interesting stat are the most populous metro areas ranked by job postings per capita for second quarter of 2012.
Rank | Metropolitian Area | Job Postings Per 1000 People |
1 | San Jose, CA | 161 |
2 | Washington, DC | 118 |
3 | Raleigh, NC | 112 |
4 | Hartford, CT | 102 |
5 | Boston, MA | 91 |
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